I never made a conscious decision to be a vegetarian.
The last time I ate meat was over a month ago. I hadn't been eating red meat for close to a year, and was only eating chicken and turkey a couple nights a week anyway. One day, I just decided to stop. I will admit that there was a PETA
I have run into a few bumps in the road along the way though. There are a few types of food that I love (Chinese food, Mexican food) that I generally had meat with (Orange chicken, and turkey tacos!). My fiancé (carnivore) and I have been experimenting with vegetarian ways to make dinners. Some of our inventions have been great successes (vegetarian chili was super delicious, and vegetarian burritos, which are JUST as good as turkey burritos!), and some have been... iffy (like veggie burger, which I think tasted a little odd because it was overcooked, and I don't really like red meat anyways, so why would I like fake red meat? ... I'm trying the veggie chicken patties next).
We also tried to make our own homemade veggie Chinese food, but that was... questionable. Making your own at-home Chinese food is hard anyways, but we have some little changes to make for the next time we try to make it. It honestly hasn't been that big of a deal to cook and eat vegetarian for the last month. Plus, it has saved us a whole bunch of money at the grocery store, as we are now only buying half the amount of meat we used to. (Marc likes that part, too.)
Yay for not eating animals!