Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dinner and a Movie (090/365)

Day 90 Happy: Making the most of a Saturday

Saturdays are usually one of my most exhausting days of the week. Today, I got to work at 7 a.m. and worked 10.78 hours, according to my time clock. Although I worked a ton of hours, I salvaged my Saturday by going home and taking a quick nap on the futon... which was wonderful, since it started to rain and thunder just as I was falling asleep. I absolutely love sleeping through a storm; it is so peaceful.

When Marc got home, we met my friend Miranda at BJ's, where I had a delicious snack... bruschetta and their brewed-on-site root beer. Then, we headed over to the movies to watch The Switch. It was adorable! I think Jennifer Aniston is so cute, and Jason Bateman is always awesome. It was actually a pretty good story, too.

Good thing I had fun tonight, because I have to spend tomorrow doing homework and preparing for the week!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Carleigh! (089/365)

Day 89 Happy: I (finally) got my car back!

Since I bought my car last week Wednesday, I have barely seen it. Thursday and Friday morning last week we had to take it into service (not for problems that it has since we bought it, but for minor things that we found wrong with it before we drove it off the lot and wanted them to fix for free). This Wednesday, we took it into the service department to get the dent that the detail guy put in it taken out. When we went back to pick it up, it was not "satisfactory" as pointed out to me by our super nice service advisor. He offered to send it over to the body shop to be repainted and put us in a rental car for the time we didn't have our car.

Today we finally got my car back, and it looks like there was never a dent there at all! It looks as pretty as it did on the lot when I signed the paperwork. I am happy to have my car back, and we shouldn't have to take it back to service (fingers crossed) for a while!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Boyfriend Time (088/365)

Day 88 Happy: Thursday mornings!

When I found out what my school schedule was, I figured my work schedule so that I could go in earlier on Tuesdays and Miranda would go in earlier on Thursdays. That way, I could stay home until 2:00 and hang out wtih Marc on his day off. Today was so nice! Marc and I got up decently early (but not too early) and hung out on the futon for a while before I had to go work. We watched that movie Signs (which I saw a long time ago, and Marc said that he didn't remember) and I freaked myself out a little bit, even in broad daylight. Then, Marc startled me nearly to death when he slammed against the shower curtain while I was taking a shower! It was nice to be able to spend the morning with him, though, since we don't get to have many days off together these days.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesdays! (087/365)

Day 87 Happy: Hump Day!

I think Wednesdays are going to be one of my favorite days of the week this semester. I had my first class from 11-12:25, and then I had a break until 3:30. Marc is off on Wednesdays, so he dropped me off and picked me up from class and we ran around, doing errands, in between. We had enough time to go to the Men's Wearhouse and pick up the ties that we ordered for our groomsmen, Marc and my Dad for the wedding. We also got a book that I needed for my Sport's Journalism class, had lunch and went to go pick up my car from the Volkswagen dealership.

My car was "finished" but you could still tell that something had hit it, and that there was damage. I didn't even have to say anything... our service advisor asked if the repair that was done was okay, or if we wanted to leave the car for another day to go to the body shop and have the section repainted. I decided to leave it... after all, I want the car to be how it was when I looked at it on the sales lot, and they put me in a rental car (which is not as nice as my new car, even though it is a 2010) and I headed back to school.

I don't like one of my classes at all, but I actually enjoyed my Sports Journalism class! It is a lot of fun, and I think we are going to get to read and write some really interesting stories. It got me more excited for the beginning of football season (which starts September 9th, by the way... I'll be making a huge pot of chili at my house, if anybody wants to come).

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sleeping In! (086/365)

Day 86 Happy: A not-so-bad schedule!

When I signed up for classes, and knew that I was either going to be working or going to school (or both) seven days a week, memories of my five week internship came to mind. I was exhausted every single day, and ended up getting very cranky towards the end of it. Three and a half months of the Fall semester was sure to be worse.

What I failed to realize is that I actually get to sleep in a little bit during the week this semester! I have to do a lot of running around, but I don't have to be somewhere every morning by 9 am or earlier. Today, I didn't have to be at work until Noon! And tomorrow, I don't have to be in class until 11. Thursday, glorious Thursday, I don't have to go to work until 2 pm! I worked out my schedule so that I could go in a little later on Marc's day off so we could spend some time together.

I think I will make it (with my sanity) through this semester, after all!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Back To School! (085/365)

Day 85 Happy: The beginning of the semester

Okay, this is a little nerdy, but I actually kinda like school... most of the time. As this is my LAST. SEMESTER. EVER. I figured, I may as well do my best to enjoy it. Today was the first day back to school, and I had three classes. I am excited about one, okay with another one, and pretty sure I am going to hate the third, but it's only three months, right?

I have two more classes to go to... one on Wednesday night and another Friday morning. It is going to be a very busy semester between school, work and the wedding, but it will all be worth it when I graduate in December!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Productive Days! (084/365)

Day 84 Happy: Productive Sundays
I love when work is slow on Sundays. I get to use the time in between customers to get things done. Today, I have already written four posts for Get Up and Out! I want to get as many as I can all queued up so that when school gets really busy, I will have some ready to go. Here are some of the stories that I have written recently for Get Up and Out!

Check them out and let me know what you think! It's only just after 2:30, so I am looking forward to the rest of my productive day... or going home to take a nap. We'll see.

Bonus Happy: Today is my wonderful Mommy's 25th Birthday (again)! I love you Mommy, and hope you have a fantastic day!