Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sleeping In! (086/365)

Day 86 Happy: A not-so-bad schedule!

When I signed up for classes, and knew that I was either going to be working or going to school (or both) seven days a week, memories of my five week internship came to mind. I was exhausted every single day, and ended up getting very cranky towards the end of it. Three and a half months of the Fall semester was sure to be worse.

What I failed to realize is that I actually get to sleep in a little bit during the week this semester! I have to do a lot of running around, but I don't have to be somewhere every morning by 9 am or earlier. Today, I didn't have to be at work until Noon! And tomorrow, I don't have to be in class until 11. Thursday, glorious Thursday, I don't have to go to work until 2 pm! I worked out my schedule so that I could go in a little later on Marc's day off so we could spend some time together.

I think I will make it (with my sanity) through this semester, after all!

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