Saturday, July 31, 2010

Coming Home! (062/365)

Day 62 Happy: Coming home (to my actual home)

I flew home today. It was sad, but it is also nice to be back at home with my Marc, and my stuff and my kitties. I am relaxing on my futon, watching Sherlock Holmes and Marc is making me dinner... pasta with pesto. Yummy.

Bonus Happy: I still have all my fingers. One of the little ratties, Cracker (her actual name, not just what I called her) bit me! She nearly took off my pinky nail! There is a huge split in it, and I'm quite sure it is going to fall off. There was a ton of blood, but I still have all my fingers, so that's something to be happy about!

I'm pretty sure it's the white one on the left who did it. Meanie!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Being Home (061/365)

Day 61 Happy: Being at home with the family

I don't get to come home very often... between school and work and everything else that happens in life, I only get to visit my parent's house in Georgia a couple of times a year. I miss my parents, brothers and sister when I'm away from them.

We haven't done much while I have been visiting home this time. We didn't make any trips to Atlanta, or go kayaking or anything spectacular. It didn't matter though. I am completely content to watch movies with my brothers, help my sister unpack, go to the grocery store with my mom.

Being away from home makes it just that much better when you get to go back.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lyndsey!! (060/365)

 Day 60 Happy: Lyndsey is home.

We finally got Lyndsey this evening from the airport. After an entire year in Italy, she is back home in Georgia. I was so glad I could be at the airport with the rest of the family to welcome her home, but it was quite an ordeal. First, we hit horrible traffic on the way to the airport and then the car was saying that it was having low oil pressure, and it was all very dramatic. We thought we were going to be horribly late, but we ended up being early and were able to greet her as she walked out of the arrivals gate.

Now we are all home hanging out like old times and I am helping Lyndsey unpack and looking at all her cool Italian goodies. It is really nice to have the whole family in one place again.

She either looks really excited, or really scared. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Vacation!! (059/365)

Day 59 Happy: A Real Vacation.

Today has been so nice. Lyndsey's not home yet, and the boys are busy with ROTC, so we didn't do much. Mom and I went and got groceries at Wal-mart, but that's it. The rest of the time, we sat around and watched movies and ate dinner together. It was so nice and relaxing... definitely what I needed after the last month.

Now it's time to get ready for Lyndsey comes home. Less than 24 hours until I see my little sister for the first time in a year. I bet you all can guess what tomorrow's happy will be!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Georgia!! (058/365)

Day 58: I am finally in Georgia!!

Today seemed to last forever but I am finally in Georgia. I had a pretty horrible day at work and was so happy when Marc finally picked me up from work to take me to the airport. We had a quick dinner at Burger King before he left me off at the gate. It was a quick flight ... Only about an hour. Now I am finally here with the family!

I am so excited!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Packing (057/365)

Day 57 Happy: I am packing for my Georgia trip

I am usually an overpacker. Since I'm only going to be gone for four nights, Marc refuses to pay $15 (each way) for me to check a bag. So, I am taking a carry-on, and my purse and that's it.

I thought it was going to be difficult, since I always end up stuffing my HUGE suitcase totally full, even when we take the car, which always has random odds and ends stuffed in the back seat. Actually, though, it's not hard at all. I'm just taking what I need (plus a few odds and ends to keep me entertained, like my Harry Potter book and my Vanity Fair magazine... If I can manage to stuff my stuffed elephant, Ollie, in there too, I will. He's an excellent airplane pillow.) and my suitcase isn't even all the way full.

Who says that you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sundays! (056/365)

Day 56 Happy: Lazy Sundays

I love Sundays. They are the closest thing I have to a day off these days, since I only go in from 10-3:30. Today was my 21st day in a row without a day off, and I'm really starting to feel it, on top of being sick with a nasty head cold. I came home from work this afternoon, had a snack, changed into my jammies, put in Will & Grace and took a nap on my futon. It was so nice and relaxing! This is the first Sunday in a long time I have been able to do that (at least not without feeling guilty) since I had so much reading and homework this semester.

Two more days and I'll be on vacation in Georgia. I can't wait!!