Saturday, August 14, 2010

My very own website! (076/365)

Day 76 Happy:!

Since I started writing for her Get Up and Out! website, my friend Kerry told me that I needed to get a professional website... something like an online resume. With help from her husband Joe (Thanks Joe!!), I started my own wesbite! My website is linked to my bio on the Get Up and Out! page, and if somebody reads something that they like (and potentially want to hire me), they can go and find out more about me.

It feels a little weird to be using my married name early (but only about 2 1/2 months early... it's coming up so quickly), but it would be silly to make a website that uses my name now, when it is going to change soon. So, I'm breaking the rules and using my married name before I actually get married. Shame, shame on me.

Now I have to get fancy professional business cards, that have my fancy professional website address on them!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love (075/365)

Day 75 Happy: Movies that inspire.

I got an e-mail a few days ago telling me that, if I used my Visa card, I could get buy one, get one free tickets to the movies for today through Fandango. Since I have been looking forward to going to see Eat, Pray, Love, we decided to go see that one.

It was a beautiful movie, and Julia Roberts was great, as usual. Seeing the changes that the main character, Liz, went through made me want to re-evaluate my own life. I know that it is based on a true story, and I can't wait to get my hands on the book and find out more about the journey that this woman went on. I would definitely recommend the movie, even if only to get a glimpse into the three gorgeous countries she visits!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A nice, romantic evening (074/365)

Day 74 Happy: Meteor-seeking and stargazing on the beach with my fiancé.

Marc and I have such a nice evening! He met me at work as I was getting off, and we went out to eat... I had been craving Outback for months; that brown bread and a blooming onion were calling to me, and that's exactly what I had for dinner, plus a small side of garlic mashed potatoes and the yummiest mojito I have ever had. It was a blackberry or wildberry (or some sort of berry) peach mojito. Either way, it was delicious! So delicious, in fact, that I am going to tell our wedding coordinator about it tomorrow at our meeting to make sure that we can make some of those for the wedding!

After our nice little dinner (so not on my diet, but a girl is allowed to splurge every once in a while, isn't she?), Marc wanted to see if he could take some pictures of the meteor shower that happened tonight. We drove out to Pass-a-Grille beach (the same beach, in fact, that he asked me to marry him on) and we sat around and looked up at the sky, listening to the waves. It was dark, and quiet and very relaxing. The stars were beautiful, although we didn't see any meteors. Marc called it a bust, at least as far as pictures are concerned, but it was definitely a nice time! So romantic!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Get Up and Out! (073/365)

Day 73 Happy: Being published as the "Food Editor" on Get Up and Out!

Remember the research (aka making delicious pizza) that I did a couple weeks ago? Well, I'm officially the Food Editor of my friend Kerry's Get Up and Out website. It is a London-based website for the dating crowd, that has dating and fashion advice and recipes. I just make yummy food, and then write about it! It's a ton of fun, and I love the going to the website and seeing things that I have written on there, and reading the comments from people who read my little articles. 

Go and check out my "Food Love" section, and all of the other amazing articles on Get Up and Out!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Extended Family! (072/365)

Day 72 Happy: Seeing my (fake) family

Tonight, after work, I went and visited with my Grandma and Grandpa, since their daugher and son-in-law were in town. They aren't technically my grandparents, but they are as good as. My mom's mom died when she was just 18, and Grammie D and Poppy Ray have been her surrogate parents ever since. They live down here in Florida now, just about 20 minutes away from me. I'm a bad (fake) granddaughter and don't go and see them as often as I should, but I'm a busy girl.

I had so much fun visiting with them. They're a bunch of crazies (in the best possible way), and I love it! I hadn't seen Dawndeena and Donnie (their daugher and her husband) in forever. Since they were moving I didn't have an address to send their invitation to them, I decided to run over there and see them while they were in town and hand-deliver their invitation (and they're coming!).

Marc met me there after work, and we all just sat around and talked for a little while. It was really nice! Definitely a pleasant end to an otherwise crazy day!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Math Fun! (071/365)

Day 71 Happy: 05:06.07 08/09/10

Since my favorite time of the day (or night) is 12:34, it is no surprise that I was tickled to find out that at just after 5:06 today, all of the numbers in the time and date would be consecutive. I know that's extremely nerdy, and I don't even LIKE math, but you had to admit, it's kinda neat. And it won't happen again until August 9th, 3010!

Besides, nothing else really good happened today. Marc and I cuddled up on the couch and watched 2012, but that will probably just give me nightmares. I have had horrible nightmares since I was a little kid, and 99% of them involved one of my family members dying in some horriffic natural disaster, so maybe not the best cinematic choice on my part. At least I'm going to hop into bed and turn on a Harry Potter movie to fall asleep to. That might  help!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Harry Potter Cuteness (070/365)

Day 70 Happy: Harry Potter Internet fun!

I found this Harry Potter blog a while ago when one of Marc's pictures from Flickr was featured on it. I saved it in my e-mail for a rainy day. Well, it didn't rain at work today, but I was definitely bored, and found the e-mail while I was cleaning out my inbox. The blog is called Weasley Is Our King and is written by a 15 year old girl. It's actually quite amusing. If you have nothing better to do, I'd go check it out!

Here is one of the cute little things she links to. Enjoy!

Bonus (nerdy) Happy: While I was on vacation in Georgia, Marc ordered me a Harry Potter 7 poster, for the movie that is coming out this fall. It arrived today! It's so pretty (and sad).