Saturday, August 7, 2010

Slow Days! (069/365)

Day 69 Happy: A slow day at work

For some reason, I wasn't really in the mood to spend 10 hours at work today (go figure). Luckily, it was nice and slow for most of the day. We didn't have any angry customers, and everything just seemed to go really smoothly. It was exactly what I needed, or I might have ended up very grumpy!

I got to come home, get some stuff done around the house, take a little nap and make some awesome vegan chili for Marc and I last night (well, vegan for me... he added cheese). Supposedly, going vegan is supposed to make you lose weight, so my sister and I are trying it for a week or so to see if it works. Surprisingly, I haven't felt like I am going to starve, or that I am missing out on anything. I would most certainly miss cheese, and chocolate milk, and cereal with milk and ice cream, though, so this will definitely not be a permanent experiment. All of those things I just mentioned are not excellent for losing weight, though, so I think it's a pretty good diet plan.

On a different, very sad note, one of our technicians at work, Tim, died last night of a heart attack. He was only 29. Rest in peace, Tim. We'll miss you.

Tim Aldrich

Friday, August 6, 2010

Free Day! (068/365)

Day 68 Happy: A (very awesome) day off!

Today was awesome! It was my first day off at home since the Fourth of July. I got to sleep in, hang out at the house for a while, get my haircut and then make dinner (homemade risotto) for Marc and I.

I suddenly decided yesterday that I needed to get a haircut. So, I called the Aveda Institute to get an appointment for today with Kayla, the girl who cut my hair last time. I was able to get in, and good thing, because Kayla graduates tomorrow! I wouldn't have been able to get her information to find out where she is going to work after graduation. She does such a lovely job on my hair, and is very sweet. She even said that she would do my hair for the wedding!

I'm excited for Wednesday, which will be my next day off. I could get used to this!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

No More Internship! (067/365)

Day 67 Happy: My internship is over.

I have had a really great time at my internship this summer. I really feel like it was worth it, and that I learned a lot. Besides, Mark and Andrew (our supervisors) were great! They were really nice guys. That being said, I am so glad that it is over. Finally, a little bit of freedom before school starts again! The next two weeks, all I have to do is work, since summer classes are over now too. It is going to be nice to get a little vacation before the madness begins again.

Since I have free time, I'm going to try and read the entire Harry Potter series before school gets started again. I have already finished the first one, but there is a lot left. Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Little Car (066/365)

Day 66 Happy: My car is less broken.

It would be premature (and, sadly, incorrect) to say that my car is fixed, but at least it is not overheating every time I stop at a red light. My sweet Marc took it down to his step dad's shop yesterday (on his day off, mind you) and waited around all day to get it fixed. Apparently, my thermostat was broken (?) and I was leaking coolant (??), but it was only like $160, so I guess that's not too bad. (You know... for somebody who works in the service department of a car dealership, I don't really know very much about cars. Shame.)

Bonus Happy: Angela got her bridesmaids dress today! Sarah and Taylor are getting theirs tomorrow, and Lisa is getting hers on Friday. I about had a panic attack when the lady at David's Bridal told me that if the girls order their dresses today or tomorrow they won't get in until October 27. What is that? Does it really take 12 weeks to make a little dress? I don't think so. What criminals. At least things are getting done, though.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Inception (065/365)

Day 65 Happy: Movies that make you think!

Marc and I finally went and saw Inception last night! I love movies that spark conversation way after you finish watching. Marc and I debated in the car the whole way home about what had actually happened at the end (I won't ruin it for all of you who haven't seen it yet). It's one of those movies that you feel like you have to watch again to see if you can pick up any clues that will help you figure it out, kinda like the first time you watched The Sixth Sense. I will definitely be getting it on DVD!

Bonus Happy: Who knew that Joseph Gordon-Levitt (one of the stars of Inception) was going to end up so hot? I remember him as the geeky kid with the long hair on Third Rock From the Sun. Not so geeky anymore!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Naptime! (064/365)

Day 64 Happy: Taking long naps.

Today I definitely had "Holy crap I miss my vacation, and I don't want to be at work" syndrome!" Even though I had to work yesterday, it was nice and slow. Today, it was busy, and I was tired from getting up at 5:45 to be at work at 7:00.

Luckily, though, on Mondays, I get to go home between 10:00 and 2:30 to hang out, have lunch, and take a nap. It was so nice! I came home and had a snack (Granny Smith apple and natural peanut butter. Yum!), turned on Harry Potter, and laid down on the futon to take a little cat nap. It was awesome.

Then, I got up and made a little pizza with the leftovers from last night's dinner. Coming home for several hours in between little shifts makes a nine hour day just a little easier.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Research! (063/365)

Day 63 Happy: Best research ever

Today I did research for my newest project. I'm working with my friend Kerry on her website, which has dating information for young adults in London. I'm the "food editor," and did my first little blurb about date night do-it-yourself personal pizzas.

Marc and I went grocery shopping tonight, and got all the fixings for our own pizzas. We made them together... which ended up being a very long process, since Marc took pictures every step of the way. It was definitely worth it, though, because the pizzas were delicious. Thanks to my little sister, Lyndsey, for helping me come up with the idea. Hopefully it is what Kerry is looking for on her website!

Our delicious pizza dinner!