Saturday, July 10, 2010

Leftovers! (041/365)

Day 41 Happy: Not having to cook!

Today was pretty uneventful, at least as far as "happys" go. I worked over 10 hours, starting at 7:30 in the morning, and then bummed around for the rest of the day. At least I didn't have to cook anything, though, because I had leftover Chinese food for lunch and leftover vegetarian chili for dinner. Both were delicious and kept me out of the kitchen!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Manicure, Chinese, Movie! (040/365)

Day 40 Happy: A nice, relaxing evening!

This week was kinda brutal. I had work and internship and homework, and it all seems so never ending. Tonight, after we got done with our internship, Angela and I went to the salon, and I got a pretty manicure. Then, she bought Chinese food for Marc and I (supposedly to pay us  back for all of the food she has eaten at our house lately) and the three of us went to go see Eclipse (again). It was fun, and a nice change from my "busy busy busy, only do things you have to do and not what you want to do" life as of late.

Tomorrow, the crazy starts again, as I have to be at work at 7:30 in the morning. At least I had tonight...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pen Pals! (039/365)

Day 38 Happy: New Pen Pals!
When I started the day this morning, I had no pen pals (sad). By the end of the day today, I had three! I posted that I would like a pen pal on my Facebook page, and had a few people write back! My wonderful friend, Kerry, has a friend from London who she thought would be my pen pal. Her friend, Cathy, agreed and now I have a fun, British pen pal. I can't wait to write her a letter and to get one back.

Kerry (who also loves receiving mail) and I also decided to write each other, and my friend Ryan, who is going to be deployed to Qatar wants to write back and forth, too. I should (hopefully) be getting fun mail soon, instead of the usual junk and bills!

Bonus Happy: The lovely Wendy from The Wishing Room sent me a set of the beautiful bird note cards that were featured on Day 28! They are so pretty, and now that I have pen pals, I finally have somebody to send them to!

Lovely bird note cards from The Wishing Room

I decided to get a Formspring today... I don't exactly know how it works, but if you want to, ask me questions by clicking here. Seeing which questions I get asked should be a fun little experiment!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bambi! (038/365)

Day 37 Happy: Random presents!

This evening while I was doing homework, Marc had to run out to the grocery story, and he came back with this for me:

It is a Bambi PEZ dispenser! He looks slightly evil in this photo, but just ignore that. I don't think I've PEZ candy since I was in middle school! I forgot how delicious it is, and Marc told me that there is only 30 calories in an entire stick of those little candies.

It was a nice little random present, and probably the best part of my day!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wedding RSVPs! (037/365)

Day 36 Happy: Getting some of our wedding RSVPs back in the mail

I love getting mail. (I am desperately seeking a pen pal, preferably one in another country. If you are interested, send me an e-mail). So, it's no surprise that I got super excited this afternoon when I checked our mailbox and there were FOUR pretty wedding RSVPs waiting for me!

Wedding RSVPs (003/365)

So far, all of the RSVPs we have gotten back say yes! I had a (genius) idea to make a little note along the bottom of the RSVPs telling our guests to "Have some fun! Use the back of this card to write us a note, draw us a picture or give us some wedding-related advice." Marc and I really enjoyed opening up the RSVPs this evening and reading what our family and friends wrote for us.

Our wedding is going to be the best wedding ever!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bargain Shopping! (036/365)

Day 35 Happy: Getting my favorite movie, ever, for $2!

It's A Wonderful Life is my favorite movie of all time. For some reason, though, I never had it on DVD. Today, my lovely fiance came back from dropping off our old coffee table at the Goodwill, and came back with a brand now copy of It's A Wonderful Life in DVD, and it only cost $2.06! That's an amazing deal. I do a lot of bargain shopping, but that's one of the best deals I have seen!

Other than that, today was kinda lame. I worked extra to cover for two people who are out on vacation, so I ended up working 10.96 hours, and our computer system was down for five of those. It was like working in the Stone Age. At least I should get my full 40 hours this week at work.

Bonus Happy(s): My friend Angela and I decided to suck up to our supervisors at work by making cupcakes for them to take in tomorrow. I got distracted by telling her how easy it was, and forgot to put the water in the batter for a while, and Angela couldn't figure out why it was so hard to mix. The ended up looking like swamp cupcakes, since we had to use blackish-green sprinkles after we ran out of the "stars and stripes" sprinkles that came with the frosting after three cupcakes. They taste really good, though, and I don't think the boys at our internship are really going to care what they look like.

And... I got to talk to my sister via e-mail all day today, and finished an entire book for school (Monster by Walter Dean Myers) in between calls at work. It was a pretty good book. I was surprised. Now I'm reading The Giver (also for school) which is my favorite book ever. If you have never read it, I highly recommend it. I probably don't even have to read it to do the papers for the class, but I am going to anyways, because it makes me happy.

Hm... I guess it turns out today wasn't so lame after all, when you ignore the fact that I spent so long at work.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Fourth of July (035/365)

Day 35 Happy: The Fourth of July!

Today was amazing. I didn't get to see many fireworks, but I did see a lot of the back of my eyelids, and that's just as good!

Marc and I slept in, watched Independence Day and Live Free or Die Hard and bummed around on the futon all day. It was rainy and gross most of the afternoon, so we decided to skip the fireworks and hang out at home instead. Last year when we went to watch fireworks at Vinoy Park, it was crowded and hot and it tooks us forever to find our car afterwards. Staying at home was really nice, and we saw a couple fireworks over the building across the parking lot.

I also made veggie chili, which was absolutely delicious. I took a picture of it as the very first picture for Project 365 that I am doing on Flickr. Marc has been doing his Project 365 for almost two months, and it seems fun, so I will be taking a picture every day. We'll see how that goes... it's not like I'm not too busy already! Haha.

Veggie Chili = Love! (001/365)

Veggie Chili = Love!

How did you guys spend your Fourth of July?