Monday, July 5, 2010

Bargain Shopping! (036/365)

Day 35 Happy: Getting my favorite movie, ever, for $2!

It's A Wonderful Life is my favorite movie of all time. For some reason, though, I never had it on DVD. Today, my lovely fiance came back from dropping off our old coffee table at the Goodwill, and came back with a brand now copy of It's A Wonderful Life in DVD, and it only cost $2.06! That's an amazing deal. I do a lot of bargain shopping, but that's one of the best deals I have seen!

Other than that, today was kinda lame. I worked extra to cover for two people who are out on vacation, so I ended up working 10.96 hours, and our computer system was down for five of those. It was like working in the Stone Age. At least I should get my full 40 hours this week at work.

Bonus Happy(s): My friend Angela and I decided to suck up to our supervisors at work by making cupcakes for them to take in tomorrow. I got distracted by telling her how easy it was, and forgot to put the water in the batter for a while, and Angela couldn't figure out why it was so hard to mix. The ended up looking like swamp cupcakes, since we had to use blackish-green sprinkles after we ran out of the "stars and stripes" sprinkles that came with the frosting after three cupcakes. They taste really good, though, and I don't think the boys at our internship are really going to care what they look like.

And... I got to talk to my sister via e-mail all day today, and finished an entire book for school (Monster by Walter Dean Myers) in between calls at work. It was a pretty good book. I was surprised. Now I'm reading The Giver (also for school) which is my favorite book ever. If you have never read it, I highly recommend it. I probably don't even have to read it to do the papers for the class, but I am going to anyways, because it makes me happy.

Hm... I guess it turns out today wasn't so lame after all, when you ignore the fact that I spent so long at work.

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