Saturday, August 21, 2010

Vampires Suck! (083/365)

Day 83 Happy: Stupid funny movies

Being the silly girl that I am, of course I am into the Twilight saga. I read the books before the movies came out, and really enjoyed them. When the movies came out, I was a little disappointed at the quality, but watched them obsessively nonetheless. After all, they are fun.

When I saw that Vampires Suck was coming out in theaters, I definitely wanted to see it. Marc and I went with my friend Miranda tonight and watched it. It was actually pretty funny, (or as my little brother Jacob, who went and saw it last night, too, said "It was HILARIOUS.") The storyline follows the first three movies of the Twilight saga pretty well (in 1 hour and 20 minutes, mind you), but with much more hilarity.

If you are into the Twilight saga (or are looking to make fun of it) I would definitely go and see Vampires Suck.

Sidenote: I personally find the Edward Sullen of Vampires Suck to be cuter than Rob Pattinson's Edward. What do you guys think?

Bonus Happy: My wonderful fiance bought me flowers and had them delivered to my work today. They are absolutely beautiful. I am so lucky to have such a sweet man who wants to marry me!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Farewell to Summer (082/365)

Day 82 Happy: Theme Park Day!

Since school starts on Monday, Marc and I decided to use our last day off together until sometime in November to go to Universal Studios in Orlando. We had to stop by the Volkswagen dealership and get the door lock on my new car fixed first, and then we were on our way.

We started the day at Universal Studios, and rode a whole bunch of rides. Marc beat me in the Men In Black game, even though I got then 100,000 point bonus for hitting the red button at the right time. We rode the Mummy ride, and the new Rip Rockin' Roller coaster (or something to that effect), which was really awesome because you get to choose your own music to listen to while you are riding the ride. However, my poor tummy just isn't what it used to be, and we had to take breaks in between roller coasters so that I didn't barf.

After we got done at Universal, we headed over to Islands of Adventure. We got to ride the Dr. Doom's Free Fall twice in a row because there was nobody in line when we got done the first time. It is my favorite kind of ride... straight up and down, with not loopy-loops. It makes my tummy flip without making me feel pukey. We finished up the day by going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. We were so exhausted by this point, we just walked around long enough to visit a few stores and get a butterbeer from the Hog's Head.

It was an awesome day, and a great way to celebrate the end of summer. After this weekend, school starts and the countdown to the wedding really begins. I like the stress, though, and am looking forward to my classes and the wedding getting closer.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Babies! (081/365)

Day 81 Happy: Hayden Marie

Today after work, my friend Miranda came over to hang out and have dinner. She brought along her adorable daughter, Hayden, who is also going to be the flower girl at our wedding. It was so much fun to play with her! It's so easy to forget about a bad day when you are chasing around a little baby. We had a great time eating breakfast for dinner, and watching Arrested Development. It was a nice end to a stressful, busy day.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

NEW CAR!!! (080/365)

Day 80 Happy: (It's a good one... get ready...) A NEW (to me) CAR!!

Today, Marc and I had to run a whole bunch of errands. While we were out in Tampa, we decided to run by the Volkswagen dealership to see if they had any used cars in our price range. The salesman was really nice, and didn't balk at my "Listen, I work in a car dealership, and I know how this works," speech. I told him that I wanted to look at prices first, and if he had anything that was in my price range, I only wanted to see those. He only had two that were in the range we were looking for, and one of them had previously been a rental car, so it was definitely not an option.

The second car was a little silver 06 Jetta. I was in love immediately. It is so adorable. After hours and hours of talking with the salesman, and talking with our insurance, and the finance guy, and the delivery girl, the car was finally mine! I decided to name her Carleigh (it's a German name), "Car" for short.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Opportunities! (079/365)

Day 79 Happy: (More) money!!

Today, my supervisor from my Graphics Tech internship contacted me and asked me if I would be interested in doing some freelance writing! They are going to start offering a copy writing service to customers who need somebody to write out the information that is featured on their website. I really liked working at Graphics Tech during my internship, and I'm glad that I have an opportunity to work with them again (and actually get paid this time!).

They don't have any clients yet who are requesting the copy writing service, but Mark (supervisor) said that he would contact me when they have somebody who needs my mad writing skills. :)

I feel like a real writer today, and that makes me very very happy.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Money, money, money, money.... MONEY! (078/365)

Day 78 Happy: A (paid!!) writing job.

So, I have been writing posts for Get Up and Out! for a few weeks now. I found out today that I get paid for them (a foreign concept to me so far, as most of my writing has been for this little blog, my internship and school). It's not a ton of money, but it means that I am a REAL freelance writer now. Besides, that extra little bit of money a month will be very nice when Christmas and my honeymoon come around.

Yay money!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Clean House! (077/365)

Day 77 Happy: A very successful cleaning day!

I love Sundays. Today, I got off around 3:30, and was home by four. I wanted to surprise Marc by cleaning the house and making it all pretty for when he got home from work. It looks so nice now. I love it when my apartment is all picked up, and everything is in its place. Now, I just have to keep it up. There are still some deep cleaning things to do (mop the floors, scrub the bathtub), but it looks nice on the surface at least.

Tomorrow after work, I'm going to keep up the cleaning. Hopefully I can get the whole house super clean and then keep it that way until the end of the year. With the wedding and the holidays coming up, we are going to have people in and out of the house all the time, and I'd rather not panic every time somebody says that they are going to pop over.