Since school starts on Monday, Marc and I decided to use our last day off together until sometime in November to go to Universal Studios in Orlando. We had to stop by the Volkswagen dealership and get the door lock on my new car fixed first, and then we were on our way.
We started the day at Universal Studios, and rode a whole bunch of rides. Marc beat me in the Men In Black game, even though I got then 100,000 point bonus for hitting the red button at the right time. We rode the Mummy ride, and the new Rip Rockin' Roller coaster (or something to that effect), which was really awesome because you get to choose your own music to listen to while you are riding the ride. However, my poor tummy just isn't what it used to be, and we had to take breaks in between roller coasters so that I didn't barf.
After we got done at Universal, we headed over to Islands of Adventure. We got to ride the Dr. Doom's Free Fall twice in a row because there was nobody in line when we got done the first time. It is my favorite kind of ride... straight up and down, with not loopy-loops. It makes my tummy flip without making me feel pukey. We finished up the day by going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. We were so exhausted by this point, we just walked around long enough to visit a few stores and get a butterbeer from the Hog's Head.
It was an awesome day, and a great way to celebrate the end of summer. After this weekend, school starts and the countdown to the wedding really begins. I like the stress, though, and am looking forward to my classes and the wedding getting closer.
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