Saturday, June 12, 2010

Apartment Living (013/365)

Day 13 Happy: The benefits of living in an apartment

I want a house. I have wanted a house for a long time. I want to buy it, and paint it and decorate it and make it all mine.

However, for the time being, there are some good things about living in an apartment. For example, our air conditioner has been acting funny the last couple of days. So, this morning, I just called down to the office and they sent somebody to check it out. It's completely free.

One of the guys at work, on the other hand, has to replace the air conditioner at his house and it is going to cost more than $7000! It is really nice not to have to worry about those types of things for the time being.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Wedding Stuff (012/365)

Day 12 Happy: Getting (wedding) things accomplished

Today has been a very productive day. Marc and I made some photography business cards for him (free + shipping from Vista Print), bought and mailed my Dad's Father's Day present (I thought Father's Day was this Sunday and that it was going to be late... turns out I'm early!) and got tons of wedding stuff accomplished.

We found out the last time we visited our venue that we had to have a final guest list 60 days prior to the wedding! That's a long time. Most wedding books and websites that I have read suggest that you send our your invitations a month and a half to two months before the wedding. If we did that, we wouldn't get our RSVPs in time. So, we have to send our invitations out around the beginning of next month.


The first thing we had to do was get in touch with our ceremony and reception venue (not particularly easy, since they don't have an answering machine... wtf?!). We had to solidify what time our ceremony was going to start. Why are these tiny little decisions so hard?! After a visit to my friend Google, we discovered that the sun will set at exactly 6:44 p.m. on our wedding day. We had to guess how long our ceremony would be and estimate how long pictures would take so that we could get the best sunset light. We finally figured that we are going to start our ceremony at 5:30 and then pray that it doesn't go longer than about 20 minutes. Which is good, because all but 25 of our guests are going to be standing (the first 25 chairs are included and each one after that is $4.50. Sorry, friends and family... I love you, but at $4.50 per butt, you can stand). At least we have our time line set now.

And then, there are about a million different ways you can word wedding invitations (and response cards). There are etiquette rules, and different orders depending on who is paying. We had to decide if 5:30 p.m. is "afternoon" or "evening". After about an hour of quibbling over each word, we finally had our wording down.

We were lucky and found some awesome printable invitations from Michael's ($29.99 before a 40% off coupon!). All we had to do was go down to FedEx and have them printed off. It was just over $35. That's extremely cheap for wedding invitations. Now they are all printed. I bought pretty wrapping paper that I am going to use for envelope liners, and we even have stamps all ready to go! I panicked over nothing... our invitations are almost done. Yay!

Also, last night we went to Ikea and spent about half of the gift card money we have been hoarding for the last couple of months. We got some stuff to try and put together some centerpieces and other decorations. It feels good to finally be getting some of this wedding stuff accomplished.

The only big things that are really left are finding a florist, paying for all this crap, and getting a dress (which I am holding off on because a) I don't want to look like a whale... what are the white kind called?... BELUGA! and b) I want to go wedding dress shopping with my Mom and sister and Lyndsey doesn't get back from Italy until the end of July).

Wedding stuff getting done (finally) = Happy!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Work It Out (011/365)

Day 11 Happy: The fact that I actually look forward to working out

Marc and I bought a Wii Fit with our combined birthday money from my parents (thanks Mom and Dad!). It is awesome. Not only does it keep track of your weight, tell you how many calories you have burned and tell you daily how much weight to lose to meet your goal... it is actually really fun.

One of my favorite games is the soccer heading game, where you have to shift your weight back and forth from one leg to the other to head soccer balls and avoid flying cleats and evil panda balls. It is only about 6 calories per round, but it is so fun. Marc plays, too, and we compete against each other and our own high scores.
Soccer Game

For burning calories, the best games are definitely the hula hoop (I just unlocked the ten minute round... five minutes spinning your hips each way. I am going to have to work up to that one) and the step class. They both burn about 26 calories per round and take five to six minutes.

Hula Hoop Game

My favorite part is that the game keeps track of your high scores every time you play. I'm not usually a very competitive person, but I love it when I beat my high score or get "four stars" on a round.

The best thing about it is that I am excited about exercising and that has influenced other areas of my life. I am doing the "3000 sit ups in the month of June" challenge that was going around Facebook, and I have kept up and done it every day this month. I know that losing weight is about more than just exercising, so I have been better about watching what I eat. I look for other forms of exercising, like going for a walk or going down to the pool, like Marc and I are getting ready to go do right now.

Happy exercising... who knew?!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Clean House (010/365)

Day 10 Happy: My ingenious method for cleaning my house

Today was my day off. I freaking live for my days off. I am off on Wednesdays and Fridays, which is great, because Thursdays never seem like that big of a deal. I just have to say to myself 0n Thursday morning, "All I have to do is make it through today , and I'm off again tomorrow." Works like a charm.

Anywho, today was pretty awesome. Marc and I had frozen pizza for lunch and lounged around in bed watching Grey's Anatomy on Project Free TV (basically the best invention ever, introduced to me by my dear sister, who I haven't heard from since she was supposed to be back from Napoli this week, but I'm sure she's fine).

Amidst all the laziness, though, we did want to get the house cleaned. So, I introduced Marc to the way I clean. I hate cleaning, but I love a clean house. It's a conundrum. Since I only make $9 an hour (pathetic, eh?) I can not afford a maid. Instead, I use the little kid approved method of doing something you don't like by making it a game.

I count.

Today, I chose a big number... 100! After each episode of Grey's Anatomy, both Marc and I had to pick up and put away 100 things (I always finished first, and he claims he kept losing count. He sucks at this game). Nonetheless, our house is all shiny and clean and we didn't even have to spend hours at a time doing it. Yay!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fly Away Home (009/365)

Day 9 Happy: Plane tickets!

My little sister, Lyndsey, has been in Italy for almost a year. The last time I saw her in person was when she was getting ready to go through security to board her plane on her way to Europe. When she finally set a day in stone that she was going to be home, I started looking for plane tickets for myself. I wanted to be able to be with the rest of my family, and greet her at the airport when she came home from her trip.

My patience paid off! Today, I got a round trip ticket from Tampa to Atlanta for just under $160, including taxes and fees! When I started looking, they were almost $300. I feel like so much pressure is off now, because I know will be there to welcome my sister home, and I will get to spend a precious few days with my family.

I can't wait until my trip!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Harry Potter! (008/365)

Day 8 Happy: Harry Potter!

Harry Potter is like comfort food for the soul.

Today, my boss ever so graciously let me skip my morning shift at work, making it so that I worked five and a half hours instead of ten and a half. I slept all night, and then until 1:30 in the afternoon before I had to get up and get ready to go in.

Even after all that sleep, I still didn't feel quite up to par after work. When I came home, I still felt the urge to lay around and get better. So I put in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I have seen the Harry Potter movies countless times each and they never get old. I can quote almost every line, have read the books several times each, and even have part of the fifth book on CD (thanks to my wonderful sister who burned it for me before I started a solo trip from Georgia back home to St. Pete).

It's a comfort thing.

Needless to say, ("needless to say" is one of those naughty phrases my journalism teachers always tell us not to use. "If it is needless to say, you don't HAVE to say it." Whatever, I like saying it, so I will.) I am ridiculously excited about the opening of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios in Orlando. The park opens June 18th, but I'm not a crazy person, so I won't be going then. A) It is going to be ridiculously hot, and B) All the wackos from the entire world who are more into Harry Potter than me are going to be there. I am going to wait until October or so to visit. Plus, this will give me more time to save up the crazy amount of money I am going to feel the urge to spend on Harry Potter memorabilia.

You know, I kinda like this blog and how I can just ramble on and on about things I like. It's fun.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Crayola! (007/365)

Day 7 Happy: Crayola Bunny

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to: Crayola Bunny...

Crayola is pretty much my best friend, and has been since my Aunt Jackie gave him to me for Easter many, many years ago. Whenever we moved, Crayola was there. When I didn't feel good, Crayola was always there to make me feel better. Most of all, when I was sad, Crayola was there to catch my tears.

I'm quite attached to him. When I lived at home, my mom used to try to convince me to wash him, saying he was "dingy" and "dirty." I knew that Crayola was getting a little long in the tooth (bunny joke) and I was terrified that he would fall apart in the washer. She would wait until I left for school and then wash him anyways. She still nags me about washing him whenever she comes to visit.

Lately, Crayola has been pretty near retirement. He is getting old, and falling apart despite my best efforts to keep him intact. I have reserved a special spot in our closet for him, away from dust and naughty kitties who would rip him to shreds. He's always ready when I need him, though, whether it is it catch tears, or cuddle when I'm not feeling well, like this weekend. More than 20 years later, and he can still make me feel better.

What makes you feel better when you're having a bad day?