Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Clean House (010/365)

Day 10 Happy: My ingenious method for cleaning my house

Today was my day off. I freaking live for my days off. I am off on Wednesdays and Fridays, which is great, because Thursdays never seem like that big of a deal. I just have to say to myself 0n Thursday morning, "All I have to do is make it through today , and I'm off again tomorrow." Works like a charm.

Anywho, today was pretty awesome. Marc and I had frozen pizza for lunch and lounged around in bed watching Grey's Anatomy on Project Free TV (basically the best invention ever, introduced to me by my dear sister, who I haven't heard from since she was supposed to be back from Napoli this week, but I'm sure she's fine).

Amidst all the laziness, though, we did want to get the house cleaned. So, I introduced Marc to the way I clean. I hate cleaning, but I love a clean house. It's a conundrum. Since I only make $9 an hour (pathetic, eh?) I can not afford a maid. Instead, I use the little kid approved method of doing something you don't like by making it a game.

I count.

Today, I chose a big number... 100! After each episode of Grey's Anatomy, both Marc and I had to pick up and put away 100 things (I always finished first, and he claims he kept losing count. He sucks at this game). Nonetheless, our house is all shiny and clean and we didn't even have to spend hours at a time doing it. Yay!

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