Day 12 Happy: Getting (wedding) things accomplished
Today has been a very productive day. Marc and I made some photography business cards for him (free + shipping from Vista Print), bought and mailed my Dad's Father's Day present (I thought Father's Day was this Sunday and that it was going to be late... turns out I'm early!) and got tons of wedding stuff accomplished.
We found out the last time we visited our venue that we had to have a final guest list 60 days prior to the wedding! That's a long time. Most wedding books and websites that I have read suggest that you send our your invitations a month and a half to two months before the wedding. If we did that, we wouldn't get our RSVPs in time. So, we have to send our invitations out around the beginning of next month.
The first thing we had to do was get in touch with our ceremony and reception venue (not particularly easy, since they don't have an answering machine... wtf?!). We had to solidify what time our ceremony was going to start. Why are these tiny little decisions so hard?! After a visit to my friend Google, we discovered that the sun will set at exactly 6:44 p.m. on our wedding day. We had to guess how long our ceremony would be and estimate how long pictures would take so that we could get the best sunset light. We finally figured that we are going to start our ceremony at 5:30 and then pray that it doesn't go longer than about 20 minutes. Which is good, because all but 25 of our guests are going to be standing (the first 25 chairs are included and each one after that is $4.50. Sorry, friends and family... I love you, but at $4.50 per butt, you can stand). At least we have our time line set now.
And then, there are about a million different ways you can word wedding invitations (and response cards). There are etiquette rules, and different orders depending on who is paying. We had to decide if 5:30 p.m. is "afternoon" or "evening". After about an hour of quibbling over each word, we finally had our wording down.
We were lucky and found some awesome printable invitations from Michael's ($29.99 before a 40% off coupon!). All we had to do was go down to FedEx and have them printed off. It was just over $35. That's extremely cheap for wedding invitations. Now they are all printed. I bought pretty wrapping paper that I am going to use for envelope liners, and we even have stamps all ready to go! I panicked over nothing... our invitations are almost done. Yay!
Also, last night we went to Ikea and spent about half of the gift card money we have been hoarding for the last couple of months. We got some stuff to try and put together some centerpieces and other decorations. It feels good to finally be getting some of this wedding stuff accomplished.
The only big things that are really left are finding a florist, paying for all this crap, and getting a dress (which I am holding off on because a) I don't want to look like a whale... what are the white kind called?... BELUGA! and b) I want to go wedding dress shopping with my Mom and sister and Lyndsey doesn't get back from Italy until the end of July).
Wedding stuff getting done (finally) = Happy!
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