Sunday, June 6, 2010

Crayola! (007/365)

Day 7 Happy: Crayola Bunny

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to: Crayola Bunny...

Crayola is pretty much my best friend, and has been since my Aunt Jackie gave him to me for Easter many, many years ago. Whenever we moved, Crayola was there. When I didn't feel good, Crayola was always there to make me feel better. Most of all, when I was sad, Crayola was there to catch my tears.

I'm quite attached to him. When I lived at home, my mom used to try to convince me to wash him, saying he was "dingy" and "dirty." I knew that Crayola was getting a little long in the tooth (bunny joke) and I was terrified that he would fall apart in the washer. She would wait until I left for school and then wash him anyways. She still nags me about washing him whenever she comes to visit.

Lately, Crayola has been pretty near retirement. He is getting old, and falling apart despite my best efforts to keep him intact. I have reserved a special spot in our closet for him, away from dust and naughty kitties who would rip him to shreds. He's always ready when I need him, though, whether it is it catch tears, or cuddle when I'm not feeling well, like this weekend. More than 20 years later, and he can still make me feel better.

What makes you feel better when you're having a bad day?

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