Saturday, July 17, 2010

Date Night! (048/365)

Day 48 Happy: Going on a date with my fiancé!

Today while I was at work, Marc wrote me an e-mail asking if I wanted to go on a date him tonight. I was having a pretty awful day at work, and it instantly cheered me up and gave me something to look forward to.

We talked about going to dinner (I have been craving a blooming onion and that brown bread from Outback for weeks), going to see Despicable Me, and going for a walk on the beach. When he came home, I was napping (surprise), and he let me sleep for a little while. I wanted to go see the movie, but I hate going to the movies on a Saturday, when all the little freaks are out running around.

We ended up going to Barnes and Noble (♥), and wandering around the bookstore for a while. Marc got the next book in his series, and I got a magazine to take on the airplane when I go visit my parents in Georgia later this month. It wasn't a "date" per say, but it was really nice to hang out with my fiancé... I feel like we never get to spend quality time together anymore.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Keane! (047/365)

I love Keane. They are pretty much awesome. This is definitely my favorite song by them. I listened to it about 20 times on my iPod today while I was at my internship, and it made me happy. I thought I would share the awesome with you.

Actually, while we're on the topic of my favorite things to listen to (and in this case watch... will you marry me Adam Lazzara??), enjoy this little nugget:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lyndsey! (046/365)

Day 46 Happy: Getting to see my little sister soon!

My sister, Lyndsey, has been living in Italy as an au pair for the last year. I have got to talk to her on the phone, online and via webcam, but it's just not the same as seeing her in person. Our family spent the first Christmas this last year where one of the kids was missing, and it just wasn't the same. But, exactly two weeks from today, she is coming home! I am going to be flying up to Georgia to be with the rest of my family, and welcome her home at the airport. It is going to be so much fun!!

 My sister and I, right before she left for Italy.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Learning HTML!! (045/365)

Day 45 Happy: Learning (a little bit of) HTML!

Today, at my internship, I taught myself enough HTML to go through my template for my blog and change colors and fonts! I liked the background of my old blog, but I didn't like the colors. So, I played with it until I found something that I liked. What do you guys think?

Here is what the old blog looked like:

I like the new colors much better, and I did it myself! ::pats self on back::

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Phone! (044/365)

Day 44 Happy: Getting my cell phone replaced for free!

Lately, everything around me has been breaking... my car is having issues, Marc's won't start and now my cell phone has gone on the fritz.

After spending 40 minutes on the phone with AT&T this afternoon, though, they decided to send me a replacement phone at no charge. It's so nice when, finally, one thing goes right amidst a whole bunch of things that are going wrong.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Cookies! (043/365)

Day 43 Happy: Baking cookies with Angela!

Both Angela and I had bad days today. It was definitely a Monday, with all of its stereotypical nastiness. So, we got together after work, had a beer, and baked cookies to take to our internship tomorrow. They are yummy, and put us in a better mood after a day full of rude customers!

Happy cookies:

I also got to clean my house a little bit today, but I was told that being happy about cleaning my house was lame and that I am not allowed to use it for my happy today. So, cookies it is!

Sunday, July 11, 2010 (042/365)

Day 42 Happy:

One of my favorite things to do on Sundays at work to keep me occupied is online window shopping. I had a lot of fun with my Etsy Sunday post (Day 028/365), so I decided to do another post like it for today. is one of my favorite places to go online when I'm bored. I do their personality profiler (which is where you can find out what kind of personality the person you are buying a gift for, in theory) to find out which personality I am. Generally, I get "the hipster" but sometimes it changes, depending on my mood. Based on your personality, it pulls up a whole bunch of different gifts that it thinks you might like.

Here are some of my favorites!

(Definitely my favorite thing on here. I am waiting 
for it to come back into stock so I can get one.)

(Already have one of these. I love it!)

If you had to pick just one of these to get for yourself, which one would you choose? I would definitely go for the Personal Library, but the Stump Ring and Cell Phone Case are oh-so adorable!