Saturday, September 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy! (118/365)

Day 118 Happy: My Daddy's Birthday/Bull's Game!

Today is my wonderful Daddy's birthday! I wish I could be there to spend time with him, but since I can't, I celebrated by going to a football game... an appropriate celebration, I think.

Since I am graduating in December and have yet been to a USF football game, I figured that it was about time. Marc and I bought tickets a few weeks ago, and tonight we went and watched the Bulls play. It was so much fun... my friends Miranda and Archie went with us, and Angela and some of her friends came up from the student section to hang out with us for most of the game. It was a college experience that I wanted to have before it was too late.

Unfortunately, the Bulls lost. No worries, though. I love them just the same!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Home Time! (117/365)

Day 117 Happy: Getting to spend some time at home.

There are some days where nothing extraordinary happens. Today was one of those days.

It was just nice to be able to have some time after my Ethics class to just come home, watch TV and hang out with Marc. We got to eat dinner together, and spend the whole time just doing a whole lot of nothing. That's a pretty good happy for me.

Bonus Happy: I lost a little bit of weight again this week... it wasn't a lot, but every ounce lost is still a loss! Only a few more weeks until my dress fitting, so I have to do every little bit that I can to lose a couple more pounds!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Babies! (potentially) (116/365)

Day 116 Happy: Autum's Due Date!

Today is my cousin Autum's due date. She is pregnant with a little girl that they are planning on naming Selena Elaine. As far as I know, no baby yet, but the day is still young.

I haven't seen any of my cousins in a while, but they are all coming to the wedding, and I will get to see them then. Autum will have her little girl by then, and her brother, Joshua's, wife had a little boy, Terran, a few months ago.

It will be nice to see my extended family at the wedding, and the new additions to their little families!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

FALL!! (115/365)

Day 115 Happy: The First Day of Fall!!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the day that I have been waiting for! It's the FIRST DAY OF FALL!!

Unfortunately, Florida didn't get the memo, and it's still hot outside. What can you do though? Tonight, Marc and I put up all of my pretty fallish decorations in the house... then I did a bad bad thing and hung up my Halloween decorations, too! I usually wait until the first day of October to put up my Halloween stuff, but I just couldn't help myself.

Either way, now my house looks and smells wonderful (thanks to my delicious Spiced Pumpkin candle and Pumpkin Patch scented oil). I can crank down the air conditioner and pretend that it is nice and fall-y outside, and that's good enough for me!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Biggest Loser! (114/365)

Day 114 Happy: One of my favorite shows' return to TV.

I love The Biggest Loser! It's so inspirational, especially since I'm not as healthy as I would prefer to be. Every season, I get all involved in each contestant's personal story. Marc makes fun of me because I end up crying during just about every episode, watching each person struggle and often identifying with their feelings. Generally, Tuesday nights are my best workout nights. Bob and Jillian just get me all motivated!

Tonight, The Biggest Loser premiered. I have already started picking my favorites for winners this year, and sure enough, I cried like a little baby while they were picking the contestants for this season's competition. I didn't have that great of a workout, since I've been sick lately, but I am looking forward to losing weight with all the people on TV ever week!

Bonus Happy: Tomorrow is the first day of Fall, so I had Marc pull out all of our pretty Autumn-themed decorations from the storage shed and we are making the house look and smell all Fall-y. I can't wait until September 30th, the day I have deemed acceptable to hang up all of my Halloween decorations!

Unhappy: We found MOLD growing on the AC vent in the bedroom this evening. No wonder I have been feeling so sick and cough-y lately... even my poor kitties have been sneezing! We are going to get ahold of the apartment complex office tomorrow and have them come clean out our air ducts. I'll keep you updated.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Eat Fresh! (113/365)

Day 113 Happy: Subway

Since I have been on my diet, I definitey haven't been able to eat out. I take one look at the nutritional information at Burger King, Tijuana Flats, Taco Bell... just about any fast food restaurant, and see a huge portion of my calorie intake for the day in a medium french fries or in a cheese quesadilla.

The only real exception is Subway. Remember that Jared fella? He knew what he was talking about! I can have a six inch veggie sub (WITH CHEESE) for just over 350 calories. That's not too bad for lunch, eh? Subway on Mondays has become sort of a tradition this semester... I am running around, back and forth from school to work, from 6:30 in the morning until 8 at night. Needless to say, it's not my favorite day of the week, but at least I have a short break in between classes to slow down, run to Subway, and gobble up some yummy food!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sick Day (112/365)

Day 112 Happy: A cozy sick day

I feel awful.

I woke up this morning with a stuffy/runny nose, a case of the sneezes and a general all over crappy feeling. I had intended on getting up and working out before my shift, but ended up getting up when Marc left for work, shuffling out to the futon, and watching Twister on TBS until I had to get up to leave for work.

I survived work (and went through a whole box of tissues), and then came home to rest. About an hour after I got home, I plopped back down onto the futon with a couple of Amy's Cheese Enchiladas and the first season of Grey's Anatomy in the DVD player. It felt nice to just relax... eventually I fell asleep and was completely knocked out until Marc came home from work. I still feel terrible... just a more well-rested terrible.

Here's hoping that I feel better tomorrow... Mondays are my earliest, and busiest days. I will leave the house at 6:30 and not get home until around 8.

Monday Morning Update: I still feel like crap :(