First Post: May 31, 2010
Today is my birthday.
I'm 24 today. (Whenever I say that, I get the theme music from the Jack Bauer show stuck in my head.)
Also, I have decided that this year is going to be the best year ever. I am going to get my body in shape, start eating healthier and working out regularly. I am going to make sure I take more time to do things I enjoy, like reading a book that isn't required for school or go to the beach for a moonlight stroll. More importantly, I am going to make sure that I find something each and every day that makes me happy.
That is what this blog is about. Tallahassee from Zombieland was more than just a brutal zombie killer. He was also kind of a genius. (Why is that word so hard to spell?!) His Rule #32: Enjoy The Little Things is what this year is going to be about for me.
Lately, I feel so caught up between school and work and doing things that are necessary that I haven't taken the time to make sure that I enjoy every day. Each day for one year, I will come up with at least one thing that has made me happy that day and share it with you. I hope in doing this that I will become an overall happier and more positive person.
Today, my happy thing is: Birthdays!
Who doesn't love their birthday! A whole day about you? (Well, this year, I shared with honoring all of the men and women who fight to protect our country, but I'm okay with that.) I had a fantastic birthday! We have been celebrating all weekend, with concerts and dinners out with friends. It was fantastic. Today, I was off work (PAID... Thanks Memorial Day!), got to talk to my family and spend the entire day with my fiancé. We hung out at home before going out to grab a Cosmo (I didn't like it) before watching Sex and the City 2 (see review below). While some may say that Marc is whipped (dad) for going to a 'girlie' movie with me, I really appreciated it! Mom and Dad send us some money and, combined with a giftcard from GameStop, we were able to get a Wii Fit without any money out of pocket! Hello, future fitness! Now, I'm going to go finish off my birthday by eating leftover pizza, and hanging out on my futon, watching a movie with my favorite guy. A fantastic start to my 24th year!
Sex and the City 2 review:
Definitely not as good as the first movie. Not as much of a storyline, but I loved it just the same. Of course the clothes and shoes were to die for, and following the girls to Abu Dhabi was fun. (I can't help but wonder, though, if any Middle Eastern people will be offended by how they are potrayed in the movie.) If you are a fan of the series and the first movie, I would definitely go see it. I will be getting it when it comes out on DVD.