Sunday, October 3, 2010

Harry Potter World (126/365)

Day 126 Happy: Harry Potter World (again!)

Going to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter will just never get old. I don't even remember how many times we have been now, but I just always have such a good time. Today was even BETTER than normal, because it's a day we are supposed to be at work!

This morning, I woke up early in the hotel and finished my story about Sarah's race and turned it in, since it's due tonight. The only negative of the whole day: the hotel we were staying at didn't offer continental breakfast! They had a buffet, but it was almost $11 per person! Needless to say, I went hungry while I finished my story and we decided that we would get something in the park.

So, we stopped off at Moe's at Citywalk before going into the park. The register was having some problems when it was our turn to pay, so my quesadilla and Marc's burrito (plus our drinks) were free! It was definitely a good way to start our day!

After that, we headed into Islands of Adventure. Sarah didn't end up meeting us... she was too tired from the night before. Who can blame her? So we spent the day roaming around Harry Potter World, drinking butterbeer, riding rides, and rummaging through the shops for goodies. We decided to try the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride again, even though it made me so sick the last time. I found out that, if I look at the restraints and my tummy during the simulation parts, I'm okay! It's not the ride itself that makes my tummy hurt, it's looking at the stupid screen while we're "flying." I still enjoyed the ride, looking up at the parts that weren't in front of the simulation screen.

After what seemed like an extremely long day, we headed back home and are resting up for the busy week ahead!

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