Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sick Day (112/365)

Day 112 Happy: A cozy sick day

I feel awful.

I woke up this morning with a stuffy/runny nose, a case of the sneezes and a general all over crappy feeling. I had intended on getting up and working out before my shift, but ended up getting up when Marc left for work, shuffling out to the futon, and watching Twister on TBS until I had to get up to leave for work.

I survived work (and went through a whole box of tissues), and then came home to rest. About an hour after I got home, I plopped back down onto the futon with a couple of Amy's Cheese Enchiladas and the first season of Grey's Anatomy in the DVD player. It felt nice to just relax... eventually I fell asleep and was completely knocked out until Marc came home from work. I still feel terrible... just a more well-rested terrible.

Here's hoping that I feel better tomorrow... Mondays are my earliest, and busiest days. I will leave the house at 6:30 and not get home until around 8.

Monday Morning Update: I still feel like crap :(

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