Saturday, July 17, 2010

Date Night! (048/365)

Day 48 Happy: Going on a date with my fiancé!

Today while I was at work, Marc wrote me an e-mail asking if I wanted to go on a date him tonight. I was having a pretty awful day at work, and it instantly cheered me up and gave me something to look forward to.

We talked about going to dinner (I have been craving a blooming onion and that brown bread from Outback for weeks), going to see Despicable Me, and going for a walk on the beach. When he came home, I was napping (surprise), and he let me sleep for a little while. I wanted to go see the movie, but I hate going to the movies on a Saturday, when all the little freaks are out running around.

We ended up going to Barnes and Noble (♥), and wandering around the bookstore for a while. Marc got the next book in his series, and I got a magazine to take on the airplane when I go visit my parents in Georgia later this month. It wasn't a "date" per say, but it was really nice to hang out with my fiancé... I feel like we never get to spend quality time together anymore.

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