Thursday, June 10, 2010

Work It Out (011/365)

Day 11 Happy: The fact that I actually look forward to working out

Marc and I bought a Wii Fit with our combined birthday money from my parents (thanks Mom and Dad!). It is awesome. Not only does it keep track of your weight, tell you how many calories you have burned and tell you daily how much weight to lose to meet your goal... it is actually really fun.

One of my favorite games is the soccer heading game, where you have to shift your weight back and forth from one leg to the other to head soccer balls and avoid flying cleats and evil panda balls. It is only about 6 calories per round, but it is so fun. Marc plays, too, and we compete against each other and our own high scores.
Soccer Game

For burning calories, the best games are definitely the hula hoop (I just unlocked the ten minute round... five minutes spinning your hips each way. I am going to have to work up to that one) and the step class. They both burn about 26 calories per round and take five to six minutes.

Hula Hoop Game

My favorite part is that the game keeps track of your high scores every time you play. I'm not usually a very competitive person, but I love it when I beat my high score or get "four stars" on a round.

The best thing about it is that I am excited about exercising and that has influenced other areas of my life. I am doing the "3000 sit ups in the month of June" challenge that was going around Facebook, and I have kept up and done it every day this month. I know that losing weight is about more than just exercising, so I have been better about watching what I eat. I look for other forms of exercising, like going for a walk or going down to the pool, like Marc and I are getting ready to go do right now.

Happy exercising... who knew?!

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