Sunday, August 15, 2010

Clean House! (077/365)

Day 77 Happy: A very successful cleaning day!

I love Sundays. Today, I got off around 3:30, and was home by four. I wanted to surprise Marc by cleaning the house and making it all pretty for when he got home from work. It looks so nice now. I love it when my apartment is all picked up, and everything is in its place. Now, I just have to keep it up. There are still some deep cleaning things to do (mop the floors, scrub the bathtub), but it looks nice on the surface at least.

Tomorrow after work, I'm going to keep up the cleaning. Hopefully I can get the whole house super clean and then keep it that way until the end of the year. With the wedding and the holidays coming up, we are going to have people in and out of the house all the time, and I'd rather not panic every time somebody says that they are going to pop over.

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