Day 66 Happy: My car is less broken.
It would be premature (and, sadly, incorrect) to say that my car is fixed, but at least it is not overheating every time I stop at a red light. My sweet Marc took it down to his step dad's shop yesterday (on his day off, mind you) and waited around all day to get it fixed. Apparently, my thermostat was broken (?) and I was leaking coolant (??), but it was only like $160, so I guess that's not too bad. (You know... for somebody who works in the service department of a car dealership, I don't really know very much about cars. Shame.)
Bonus Happy: Angela got her bridesmaids dress today! Sarah and Taylor are getting theirs tomorrow, and Lisa is getting hers on Friday. I about had a panic attack when the lady at David's Bridal told me that if the girls order their dresses today or tomorrow they won't get in until October 27. What is that? Does it really take 12 weeks to make a little dress? I don't think so. What criminals. At least things are getting done, though.
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