Monday, August 9, 2010

Math Fun! (071/365)

Day 71 Happy: 05:06.07 08/09/10

Since my favorite time of the day (or night) is 12:34, it is no surprise that I was tickled to find out that at just after 5:06 today, all of the numbers in the time and date would be consecutive. I know that's extremely nerdy, and I don't even LIKE math, but you had to admit, it's kinda neat. And it won't happen again until August 9th, 3010!

Besides, nothing else really good happened today. Marc and I cuddled up on the couch and watched 2012, but that will probably just give me nightmares. I have had horrible nightmares since I was a little kid, and 99% of them involved one of my family members dying in some horriffic natural disaster, so maybe not the best cinematic choice on my part. At least I'm going to hop into bed and turn on a Harry Potter movie to fall asleep to. That might  help!

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