Friday, August 13, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love (075/365)

Day 75 Happy: Movies that inspire.

I got an e-mail a few days ago telling me that, if I used my Visa card, I could get buy one, get one free tickets to the movies for today through Fandango. Since I have been looking forward to going to see Eat, Pray, Love, we decided to go see that one.

It was a beautiful movie, and Julia Roberts was great, as usual. Seeing the changes that the main character, Liz, went through made me want to re-evaluate my own life. I know that it is based on a true story, and I can't wait to get my hands on the book and find out more about the journey that this woman went on. I would definitely recommend the movie, even if only to get a glimpse into the three gorgeous countries she visits!

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