Sunday, August 8, 2010

Harry Potter Cuteness (070/365)

Day 70 Happy: Harry Potter Internet fun!

I found this Harry Potter blog a while ago when one of Marc's pictures from Flickr was featured on it. I saved it in my e-mail for a rainy day. Well, it didn't rain at work today, but I was definitely bored, and found the e-mail while I was cleaning out my inbox. The blog is called Weasley Is Our King and is written by a 15 year old girl. It's actually quite amusing. If you have nothing better to do, I'd go check it out!

Here is one of the cute little things she links to. Enjoy!

Bonus (nerdy) Happy: While I was on vacation in Georgia, Marc ordered me a Harry Potter 7 poster, for the movie that is coming out this fall. It arrived today! It's so pretty (and sad).

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