Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Extended Family! (072/365)

Day 72 Happy: Seeing my (fake) family

Tonight, after work, I went and visited with my Grandma and Grandpa, since their daugher and son-in-law were in town. They aren't technically my grandparents, but they are as good as. My mom's mom died when she was just 18, and Grammie D and Poppy Ray have been her surrogate parents ever since. They live down here in Florida now, just about 20 minutes away from me. I'm a bad (fake) granddaughter and don't go and see them as often as I should, but I'm a busy girl.

I had so much fun visiting with them. They're a bunch of crazies (in the best possible way), and I love it! I hadn't seen Dawndeena and Donnie (their daugher and her husband) in forever. Since they were moving I didn't have an address to send their invitation to them, I decided to run over there and see them while they were in town and hand-deliver their invitation (and they're coming!).

Marc met me there after work, and we all just sat around and talked for a little while. It was really nice! Definitely a pleasant end to an otherwise crazy day!

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