Sunday, August 22, 2010

Productive Days! (084/365)

Day 84 Happy: Productive Sundays
I love when work is slow on Sundays. I get to use the time in between customers to get things done. Today, I have already written four posts for Get Up and Out! I want to get as many as I can all queued up so that when school gets really busy, I will have some ready to go. Here are some of the stories that I have written recently for Get Up and Out!

Check them out and let me know what you think! It's only just after 2:30, so I am looking forward to the rest of my productive day... or going home to take a nap. We'll see.

Bonus Happy: Today is my wonderful Mommy's 25th Birthday (again)! I love you Mommy, and hope you have a fantastic day!

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