Day 90 Happy: Making the most of a Saturday
Saturdays are usually one of my most exhausting days of the week. Today, I got to work at 7 a.m. and worked 10.78 hours, according to my time clock. Although I worked a ton of hours, I salvaged my Saturday by going home and taking a quick nap on the futon... which was wonderful, since it started to rain and thunder just as I was falling asleep. I absolutely love sleeping through a storm; it is so peaceful.
When Marc got home, we met my friend Miranda at BJ's, where I had a delicious snack... bruschetta and their brewed-on-site root beer. Then, we headed over to the movies to watch The Switch. It was adorable! I think Jennifer Aniston is so cute, and Jason Bateman is always awesome. It was actually a pretty good story, too.
Good thing I had fun tonight, because I have to spend tomorrow doing homework and preparing for the week!
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