Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Hobbit (024/365)

Day 24 Happy: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

I love to read.

There is nothing more relaxing that curling up with a good book and getting lost in the story. Someday, I want to have a library in my house, full of wonderful books for me to read whenever I want to. Lately, I haven't got much time to read for fun (that hilarious Russell Brand book that I have been dying to finish sits on the shelf gathering more dust every day) because every time I start to sit down with a book, I find myself becoming guilty because I know that there are a million other things that I should be doing instead.

However, one of the books that I have to read for my adolescent literature class was The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. During one lazy weekend several years ago, Marc and I watched the entire Lord of the Rings series in two days. The movies were good, and someday (someday!) I wanted to sit down and read the novels that they were based on.

Today, I read the whole Hobbit book! Procrastination kicked my butt again and I had to read the entire book, and write two papers on it (on top of the other three papers that I had to write for this class, based on The Chocolate War, and on the textbook). All was due at midnight and I turned them in at 11:50! (Haha, Procrastination, I win again!).

The book was wonderful. I expected it to be written in a much more formal language, and to be a little difficult to read, but it wasn't. It was funny, and clever and told a story of great adventure! I want to read the Lord of the Rings series, but not so quickly, and under so much pressure!

For now, though, I am going to take a break from reading and writing and go watch The Lord of the Rings with Marc and play a game of Scrabble!

What is your favorite book to cuddle up with? Leave your answers in the comments.

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