Friday, June 25, 2010

Harry Potter World! (026/365)

Day 026 Happy: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (again!)


Marc and I went back to Harry Potter World (which I call it, as it is easier to say than "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter"... such a mouthful!). This time, he let me use his camera the whole time so that I could get some fun pictures of the theme park. It was awesome to be behind the camera instead of sitting around waiting for Marc to take all the pictures!

Hogwarts Castle

It was way less crowded than the last time we went (on opening day) and we actually got to go into all of the shops, eat at the Three Broomsticks, and ride Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. The ride was awesome, one of those simulated ones. And, it was exactly the perfect length... I'm afraid if it would have gone on any longer, I would have vomited! I tend to have a very sensitive tummy when it comes to that sort of ride, you see.

At the Three Broomsticks, Marc had shepherd's pie (which he claimed wasn't nearly as good as mine) with a salad, and I had a kids meal with mac n' cheese, potato wedges and grapes, since they had next to no vegetarian options. We finally got to try Pumpkin Fizz (like Pumpkin Juice, but carbonated) and Butterbeer, which tastes a lot like cream soda, with thick, foamy whipped cream on top.

I'm exhausted, so I'll leave you with some of the pictures that I took from the day.

Dumbledore's Office

Owl Post

Singing Hogwarts students



Entrance to Dumbledore's office

House points



Honeydukes display window

Owl peeking out!

For more info (and more pictures!), go to my flickr page:

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