Sunday, June 20, 2010

Acting Like Old People (021/365)

Day 21 Happy: Acting like old people!

We have been crazy busy the past couple of days, between going to the Grand Opening of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, and going to see Toy Story 3 last night. We are exhausted!

Last night, we made a plan to come home tonight and go to bed early. We are going to be showered, fed and in bed watching movies and playing Scrabble no later than 10:30 tonight! (I know that doesn't really seem early, but we generally get into bed sometime between 1:30 and 2:00 a.m.) I am looking forward to turning in early and just relaxing before starting the work week.

Hope you all have an awesome night, too!

We did not end up playing Scrabble (unfortunate. I love Scrabble). Instead, we laid in bed and watched Dear John, which my lovely friend Miranda let us borrow. She said that she hated it, especially the ending, so I wanted to judge it for myself. I actually thought it was a pretty good movie, and very realistic. I am a little biased, though, because I think Amanda Seyfried is fantastic. Talking to a friend today at work, I heard that the book is a little different, and better for those who did not like the ending of the film version. I'll have to read that as soon as I am not being completely overloaded by homework every second of my life. 
My rating for Dear John: 3 1/2 stars

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