Saturday, June 19, 2010

Free Stuff! (020/365)

Day 20 Happy: Free stuff!

Who doesn't like free stuff? Marc and I have a lot of free stuff to do lately. Tonight we went and saw Toy Story 3! We got a free ticket each from buying Toy Story 1 and 2 when they were released earlier this year. It was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. I laughed out loud and even cried a little bit at the end. Pixar is always great, but it was one of my favorite movies that they have come out with in the last few years. I would definitely recommend seeing it! It was hilarious, especially when Buzz Lightyear goes into Spanish mode!

We also have free tickets to go see a Tampa Bay Storm (arena football) game next Friday, and free tickets to go to the Improv in Tampa for this Wednesday. I love doing fun stuff when you don't have to pay for it!

My Toy Story 3 rating: 4 1/2 stars. 

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