Monday, June 14, 2010

Fun Homework (015/365)

Day 15 Happy: Watching movies for homework

This summer, I have three online classes, an internship and my full-time job. All I do is do homework, and go to work. One of my classes ends in two weeks, but that is the same week my internship starts, so I am not likely to see a decrease in work.

My Shakespeare class is extremely daunting. I have been reading a play a week, and reading about the life of Shakespeare. It is a TON of reading, and I have started to think in Elizabethan Shakespeare-type talk (which is pretty good, considering the first time I tried to read Shakespeare, I had no earthly idea what they were talking about).

This week we are studying Hamlet. We are supposed to be watching the Kenneth Branagh version of the play on DVD and reading the play. But... the movie almost EXACTLY follows the play line for line, so I am killing two birds with one stone and reading along as I watch the movie. It's actually a pretty good movie, aside from the fact that it is over four hours long. I only made it about halfway through for today, but I look forward to the supposed appearance by Robin Williams (as a court jester or clown, I presume). When you get to watch a movie, homework isn't as bad.

I am also talking to my little brother (who just said to me "yay spongebob, boo shakespeare") on facebook, which always makes me happy. I miss my brothers and wish I could see and talk to them more often. I can't wait to see them when I go up to Georgia next month when Lyndsey gets home from Italy. He just introduced me to the Banana Song, which I will have stuck in my head for at least the next week. Thanks Jake!

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