Day 23 Happy: Sleeping in!
Today I had every intention of getting up early, doing some homework and housework, and then getting ready for work. Instead, I ended up laying around in bed, half awake, until 10:00, when I finally had to get up for work. I don't usually linger in bed that long, but I figured I deserved it.
A week from today, I start my internship at Graphics Tech in Tampa. I am both nervous and excited about it, but mostly I'm just preparing myself for the exhaustion. For six weeks, I will be working 40 hours a week at my regular job, plus 25 hours a week at the internship, and doing homework for two classes, Adolescent Literature and Survey of Criminal Justice. I am pretty sure that I won't have a chance to sleep in again until the beginning of August, so I took advantage of it today.
Hopefully, when all is said and done, my exhaustion will be worth it! I graduate from college in December, so I only have about 6 more months of this madness!
On another note... I am trying a veggie burger for the first time for dinner tonight. I'm terrified! What will a burger made out of veggie and soy product taste like? My sister, Lyndsey, says that they are pretty good, so I am going to give it a shot. I'll get back on later and let you know how it tastes.
Update: My veggie burger was... not terrible. It was a different texture, and didn't have too much taste, except for a char-grilled taste, which actually kinda made it taste like hamburger. I smothered it with mustard, ketchup, A1 and pickles, and it made for a pretty satisfying dinner. Marc was making fun of me because I was afraid to try it at first, just like I was afraid to try our first attempt at home-made vegetarian Chinese food last night (which actually turned out pretty good, but needs a few tweaks for next time). Being a vegetarian for almost a month has definitely made me expand my normal range of food! So far, so good!
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