Sunday, September 12, 2010

Short Work Days! (105/365)

Day 105 Happy: Five hour work days!

I love Sundays. They are my favorite day of the week, since Sundays are the day of the week that I spend the least amount of time doing unappealing things like working and going to school. Also, I get to sleep in a little bit, since I don't have to be up until 10!

However, lately there have been some rumors flying around at work that we are going to be changing to an 8-3 workday for Sundays. Obviously, this is not a good thing. Of course I don't want to get up at 7am on a Sunday! At least if they are going to tack on hours, they are doing it in the morning instead of at the end of the day. Working 8-3 is definitely better than working 10-5; at least I'll still have some part of my day left over to enjoy myself.

So far, no word from the big bosses about whether or not all this is true, but I think I had better enjoy my short Sundays while I still can!

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