Once Marc and I realized that you can sell your textbooks back to Amazon for store credit, we started going through our books to find ones that we no longer needed. We also got some books that a co-worker was getting rid of and traded in the ones that we didn't want. We ended up with almost $120 in store credit!
We haven't spent it all yet, but today we made some pretty awesome purchases... one of my favorite shows from my middle-and-high school years was Boy Meets World. Until last week, it was not for available on DVD; the only way you could get it is by buying it used from somebody who bought it when it was available on DVD back in the day. The entire series was over $400! Now, though, it was apparently re-released on DVD and you can buy individual seasons for just under 12 bucks! So, we bought the first and second seasons, Big Bang Theory season 3, and two Harry Potter books for me... The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy: Hogwarts for Muggles
Can't wait until my order gets here next week!
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