Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fake Meat! (107/365)

Day 107 Happy: Veggie Meat!

It tastes just like chicken... but it's not.

Sometimes I'm a chicken when it comes to trying new things. This is the reason why it has taken me 3.5 months of being a vegetarian before I decided to try some of Morningstar's non-meat meat products. However, I'm on a diet and I want to make sure that I'm getting the right amount of protein and other nutrients, so I picked up some veggie chicken strips and chicken patties last night when we went grocery shopping.

Guess what... THEY ARE GOOD! The breaded chicken strips with ketchup on them taste just like regular chicken strips. Fried chicken strips are one of the only meat products that I actually miss eating, but now I don't have to miss them anymore. And, my veggie strips are baked instead of fried, and are only 190 calories for two, so they are (bonus happy) diet friendly!

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