Friday, September 3, 2010

Nerdy-ness (096/365)

Day 96 Happy: Ethics Bowl

I like school. That may make me a little nerdy, but I don't care. I am really excited about my Ethics class this semester. It is really interesting, and half of our class participates in an Ethics Bowl in November. I signed up for the Ethics Bowl section of the class, and got in! Today we picked teams, and my team is awesome. I think we are going to have a lot of fun together (and maybe even win!). I signed up to be a presenter for the competition (gasp!) which will be hard, but it will help me to work on my public speaking skills, and it will be really good for a resume (especially if we win!).

Maybe it's just because it is my last semester, but I am suddenly really concerned with padding my resume. I am determined to get published for my Neighborhood News Bureau class, and I would like to try and get published for my Magazine and Feature Writing class ... and possible Sports Journalism, but we'll see about that one. I think Ethics Bowl will look pretty good on my resume... at the very least we will have fun!

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