After a very long day, I am finally in Georgia! Yay! It has been an interesting trip so far. I had to get up early this morning and go to an interview for my Neighborhood News Bureau class, and then I had to go to Ethics (we got our Ethics Bowl cases... one of them seems really interesting, and the other one I am not sure about yet. We'll see.). Finally, Marc picked me up from class and took me to the airport. I'm a silly girl, and I know that I'm only gone for one night, but I sure do hate it when I have to leave him. I miss him!
My flight was uneventful... Marc downloaded a Christmas episode of the Office onto my iPod for me, so I watched that on the airplane and giggled as the guy sitting next to me kept falling asleep and leaning his head towards my shoulder, and then snap up without waking when he touched me. He smelled nice, though, so I didn't mind too much.
Mom and Lyndsey picked me up at the airport and we hopped in Lola (the drag queen Jeep) to head back to Cumming. On the way home, there was this stupid teenager girl from Tennessee who was swerving all over the road like an idiot. She had her mirror down on the visor, kept disappearing as she rummaged around the front seats of her car, and talking on her cell phone. We were convinced that she was going to run into another car (perhaps us!) or slam into the barrier that divided the highway. In an effort to get away from her, my mom sped up, which is apparently when a Georgia State Trooper decided to shoot his evil little laser at her.
He clocked her going 82 in a 65 (oh no!) and asked her for her license and registration. Unfortunately, my mom had gone to the race last weekend with my Dad. She asked him (like many girls do) to hold her drivers license in his wallet so that she could have it in case she got carded, but she wouldn't have to carry a purse (we find this out later... at this point, Mom just thinks that she has lost her license. Panic, induce!). So, she has to tell the cop that she doesn't have her drivers license. She tells him that it is a Florida license (she just keeps renewing it) and he goes back to his car. When he came back, he told us that, in his system, it isn't showing that she has ever had a license in the state of Florida... which is simply not true.
Mom called Dad to see if she could find her drivers license, and get the number of it... or there is a pretty good chance that we are going to be hauled off to the police station. In the meantime, I pull out my handy dandy iPhone and google "how to look up your drivers license number" and it comes up with this website. I typed in my Mom's information, and the database said that there was one record of a Gaynetta McClain with a drivers license in the state of Florida. When the cop came back, Mom gave him her drivers license number (which she got from Daddy when he realized that her license was in his wallet) and I showed the cop that I found proof that my Mom had a Florida license online. He took my phone and looked at the website, and went back to his car.
Curious, I clicked on the view link to see what other info they had come up about my Mama, and I see this picture:
I proceed to nearly hyperventilate laughing as my Mom (still on the phone with Daddy) tells me to shush. Unable to breathe, I show the phone to Lyndsey, who starts cracking up as well. Mom finally catches on and we are all in tears imagining the scenario if the police officer had decided to click the view button. We would have all been hauled off to jail for sure!
In the end, Mom got two tickets, one for the speeding and one for not having her license, and a court date. She is going to fight the speeding ticket, since she was only trying to get away from the little brat who doesn't understand that when you don't pay attention in your car, you can end up killing somebody. Too bad we didn't get her tag number.
It's been a fun start to my little vacation! Hopefully we don't have any more of this kind of excitement!
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